Review: By Wishtrend Polyphenols in Propolis 15% Ampoule

Yes, yes I am about to review yet another propolis product, and I’m not sorry about it! Propolis seems to make my skin glow like no other ingredient, and I’ll forever continue to use it. I’m a huge fan of the Iunik Propolis Serum, reviewed here, and very excited to see how the Wishtrend Polyphenols in Propolis 15% Ampoule squares up. The product was kindly gifted to me by Jin at Tonic15. She’s the owner of this fantastic K-beauty store based in the UK and she has some gorgeous products. Let’s see how this one worked out!

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Tiam My Signature Red Vitamin C Serum: Review & Comparison

I adore the Tiam My Signature C Source Serum and what it does for my skin. It’s an absolute HG product for me. So when I saw that Tiam had released a second, different, RED version, I was hyped to try it. Tiam very kindly sent me a bottle (and, even more kindly, a second bottle after my first oxidized when I stupidly traveled with it in a hot suitcase) to try and compare to their original! So here are my thoughts after using the My Signature Red C Serum consistently for around 6 weeks.

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Do I Need Another Propolis Serum? Iunik Propolis Vitamin Synergy Serum Review

Iunik had been in my skincare awareness bubble for a while, but I’d never gotten around to trying anything from them. When they recently reached out I was more than happy to accept a few products for review purposes (see my Policies page for more info on how I work with brands), and this serum in particular caught my eye. I’ve had a bit of a thing for propolis serums since I belatedly joined the Cosrx propolis bandwagon, and even more belatedly the LGH one! Here are my thoughts after around 3-4 weeks of testing Iunik’s version.

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